Thursday, May 10, 2012

Note From the Editor

Why is it that so many women now-a-days are choosing men that are totally unstable and are completely unfit to withstand the graces of their lives? I, myself, have been a past victim of this. I have fallen for men that are either completely crazy to me or to themselves. Most of the time I just wanted to help them, but in the end, I learned that I could only help myself. At one point, I felt like I was reliving the movie 'Leaving Las Vegas,' only I was not the hooker.  Walking away can be one of the hardest things you will have to do in your life, but you must come to the strong realization that the aftermath of doing so will only better your life. Understanding that there are better people out there does not feel real until you finally meet them, but you will never come to this realization until you initiate the first step. A 'great love' does not have to always involve wild fights, endless tears, and heart break.  Believe it or not, it can be complete happiness. IT DOES EXIST! We must not forget that everything happens for a reason and each decision we've made has or will eventually lead us to our destination that was intended for us.


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