Monday, July 2, 2012

Work Out For Me

Here you have it, my workout routine! About a year ago, I had hired a trainer for five months, but at that time I was not ready to go full force. I met with him about twice a week, but I never changed my diet and was still eating terribly. However, it was not all a loss. Through his training, I was able to learn what exercises worked for me and my body.

For the last month, I have changed my health lifestyle drastically.  I work out for an hour each morning on an empty stomach, four or five days out of the week. The basis of all this exercising is to gain and tone muscle. I am not trying to lose a lot of weight, just a bit of excess. I like to wear the 'belly burner' around my stomach. Belly Burner @ Target I wear it the whole time, but it really kicks in during cardio as it burns fat, calories, and water weight. You can wear under your shirt or over a lightly fabricated shirt. When I remove it, my shirt is usually soaked. I love it!

I run on the treadmill at a 5.3 for about 1-2 miles. I hate cardio with a PASSION, but I do this to warm up my muscles and get my heart rate up. You can run as much as you like, but I would recommend 1-2 miles as a minimum amount. Initially, if this is a little much, you can alternate by running at a speed of 5.3 for three minutes and then walking at a speed of 3.6 for three minutes until you hit 1-2 miles.

Following, I will do weight lifting reps of a ten count. I only use 5 lbs. weights, because I am trying to tone, I do not want to look too big. I start by lifting the weights over my head for a ten count. Next, I bring the weights up horizontally, created a T shape, keeping my arms straight. Following I lift the weights in front of me, bending my elbows to work out my lower arms. I repeat this about three times.  You can also add push ups to this equation or bench pressing, whatever works for you best. You want to work out your lower and upper arms as well as your upper back and your shoulders. Also, I make punching motions with the weights to strengthen my wrists for boxing.

Next, I like to do ab work. I like to do about 500 crunches a day via sit ups, bicycles, and legs lifts. Make sure with your situps that you get the sides of your body as well.

Lastly, I do my legs.  Everyone has a strong point on their body, my legs are mine. I like to use the bike for about 10-20 minutes.  You choose your level by feeling the burn in your upper legs as well as your booty. I also do a leg press at about 45 lbs for about 100 counts.

Always be sure to stretch before you workout, this is very important as you do not want to pull a muscle.
I like to take classes during the week as well. I am taking a boxing class once a week, but the place also offers other classes such as MMA, yoga and more. Make this fun and invite your friends! It is important that you find a good teacher, though.  You want to be sweating profusely at the end of each class. Boxing Gloves

Exercising can not be done alone, it is important to eat right. I go a little overboard, but when I worked out last year, I ate whatever I wanted and had slim to no energy. Want to know how many calories to eat in a day? What is your ideal weight?  Suppose you want to be 120 lbs, then you multiple your ideal weight by ten. (120 x 10= 1,200 calories) I try not to count my calories too much, but I do eat very healthy. I eat a lot of fish, a lot of chicken, a lot of protein.  Also, you want to make you prepare your food well too.  Baking, grilling and steaming is much healthier than frying. Also, you want to incorporate a lot of fruits and veggies in your meals. I drink a TON of water. I never drink pop/soda. Although, I do struggle with patron.  But, it is all a give and take process. You don't want to torture yourself, you just want to make sure you are getting the nutrients your body needs.

I also take a lot of vitamins, although I know some people feel weird about putting those in their bodies.  All-Natural vitamins are okay, stay away from synthetic. I like to take a one-a-day gummy, it does the trick well and doesn't taste too bad.

This is my workout, it may not work for everyone, but I saw results in little as three weeks! Add your own spark to your workout routine.  But, it does not hurt to take a lesson with a personal trainer to learn what exercises work for you and your body!

(Listening to music during your workout, helps a great deal!)

[*Note: To see all blogs, click 'Kimtervention' title at the top of the page]

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